Military Filtration

 Military Filtration

Dependable compressed air; separted from oil and water conteminants with the tried and tested air dryer cartridge from MICRONIC.

MICRONIC standard air dryer cartridges maintain optimum operational reliability in the air brake systems of commercial vehicles. Through effectively removing moisture in the compressed air system, they help to prevent corrosion and freezing.

As well as the drying function, MICRONIC air dryer cartridges also separate dirt and soot particles from the compressed air. What is more, they can be fitted in virtually all current compressed-air brake systems.


A further development for enhanced system protection

Air dryer cartridges with an integrated coalescence filter retain particles, dry the air in the compressed-air brake system and most effectively separate fine oil droplets.

The coalescence effect combines oil droplets (aerosols) which can damage the system components into larger droplets, thus ensuring reliable system protection.

MICRONIC air dryer cartridges contain an extremely high quality drying agent demonstrating high water resistance and mechanical stability.

Longer service intervals

Lower maintenance requirements

More trouble-free operation

Lower repair costs

Shorter immobilisation times for service

Longer service life for the vehicle‘s compressed-air system

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